Payment is easy… once you have approved the proof of your image an invoice will be sent with options to pay by card, paypal or bank transfer.

There are a few factors that will affect the price, so it’s not just as easy as handing out a price list. Each photo will likely require a different amount of time spent on it to return it to it’s former glory.

Some factors to consider that may affect the price :-

Photo Restoration

The size of the photo
Obviously the larger the photo the more detail it will contain which will require more work to process the whole image

The level of damage
This is the main reason for the variation in quotes. Even two photos with similar damage can require a different amount of work. For example if a tear or crease falls across an area such as a face – this is much more difficult to reconstruct.


This is all to do with the complexity of the photo – lots of small areas of colour such as multiple figures or bright gardens scenes will require much more time spent on them than a single figure against a portrait background.

Other Factors

Scans & Postage
Are you scanning the image yourself? I can offer a scanning service, this is not expensive – but I will be required to send your photo back and this I will not scrimp on. A 1st Class Special Delivery service will be used.

The only way for us to offer a fair and true representation of cost is to be able to quote. Give us the opportunity by getting in touch using our request a quote form.

Upload your photo for a free no obligation quote